Information For Librarians

Annual Print Compilation

Free Accessing: -

We encourage research librarians to list these journals among their libraries' electronic journal holdings. As well, it may be worth noting that this journal's open source publishing system is suitable for libraries to host for their faculty members and students to use it without paying any fees.

Annual Hard Copy Compilation: -

We have a number of published journals available for you to free download to help you to promote our Cloud Journals titles to library users. Print copies of the published journal(s) can also be ordered. Cloud Journals invites librarians to place orders for the printed copy of the annual compilation of any Cloud Journal(s) by placing an order, the charge for each Volume of the Cloud journal(s) costs $500 USD for overseas libraries and for Indian libraries Rs. 5,000/-. Transfer the amount to the "Cloud Publications" account through Net Banking / Paypal services.

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